This weekend we took the train up the CA coast to Santa Barbara to visit family. They live in a very small town called Los Olivos, which basically has a two block main street that is mostly wine tasting restaurants. Scott's aunt and uncle are now in their 60s and successfully raised 3 boys while both working. So of course I was curious; how did they do it?
And the answer was clear: they had a village.
You see, in spite of the town being so small, their neighbors all had children around the same age. She described a carpool schedule where parents would take turns picking up 6 children from half day kindergarten and shuttling them to various after school locations so the rest of the parents could continue working.
... my mind is still blown from the concept.
This style of communal parenting feels so foreign to me; like some fantasy town where moms are doing it all because they are doing it together.
The reality is, that form of parenting does not exist for most parents today...
...and the Surgeon General's Warning published earlier this week cuts to it:
Parenting today is more stressful than for our parents or grandparents, and it's impacting our mental health.
Add in increased breastfeeding rates, more hours working, and more hours with our kids, we simply do not have the same amount of free time that prior generations did.
Enter loneliness.
Oddly, in spite of the fact that we are often with our kids, we feel more lonely than prior generations of parents, or our childless peers.
And as one IG follower shared, being an extended nursing mom can feel isolating because she can't talk about it with friends or family without feeling judged.
While I hope you can't relate, it's likely you have experienced this too.
In fact, in an IG poll I posted last week, 53% of respondents said they are lonely in toddler nursing all the time, 34% are sometimes lonely, and only 13% say they are not really lonely.
This is why in today's episode of Weaning It, I deep dive it all. I read the Surgeon General's Warning (so you don't have to) and I go over the most important statistics, as well as his suggestions to reduce stress and isolation in parents today.
I also share my own opinions about what may work, and what may just add more responsibility to our plates (e.g., Parent Action Committees at work? No thank you).
You can listen HERE now!
Even prior to the Surgeon General's Warning, I had been thinking a lot about how I can bring community to fellow extended nursing moms.
I create a lot of educational content that you can consume (IG, podcast, this newsletter, my courses, etc.), but none of that brings you that missing connection that we are all in vital need of.
So, this summer, I did a test run of a private community and am ready to share it with you!
The Nursing Mamas' Social Circle
Here's what you DON'T need more of:
- Additional content that you have to make time to consume
- Guilt over not having time to consume said content
Here's what you DO need more of:
- Human connection with fellow moms who are figuring out toddler nursing and weaning just like you
- Anytime access to a private group chat to share your wins and get questions asked as they arise.
- Live access to me with 2 optional group zoom sessions a month to use as needed.
Just this week, a fellow member shared she has officially weaned! Seeing others succeed can give you confidence that you will get there too. And getting tips from others who are just a step or two ahead of you can be just the boost you need to know you are not alone.
You can join The Nursing Mamas' Social Circle for only $19/mo (paid monthly, stop anytime).
This introductory rate is available for a limited time.
If you know it's right for you, then join now to get this low fixed price for the entire time you are a member.
Have questions or want to learn more?
Head HERE for more details. Or simply email me at [email protected] to get in touch with me directly.
I am so excited to grow this community. It may not help with daycare drop off, but it will make you feel less alone in your nursing journey...
... and you are worth it!
Additional Links
- Which of the 5 stages of toddler nursing are you in? Take the free Extended Breastfeeding Quiz to find out! - CLICK HERE
- Weaning It: A Podcast for Toddler Nursing Moms - Spotify Link
- Follow Erin on Instagram @erin.nursingmamas
- We're on Pinterest! - CLICK HERE
Toddler Nursing & Weaning Courses
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