"Milk is Love"

Welcome to Nursing Mamas!
One of the few spaces online created for the extended breastfeeding family. Whether you are just starting to nurse beyond a year, a seasoned veteran, or at the end of your breastfeeding journey, here you will find resources, support, and community to help navigate all things toddler nursing. You no longer have to do it alone!
Who You Are
You are a nursing parent taking on toddler life and breastfeeding is your go-to parenting tool.
You overcame initial breastfeeding struggles and hit that major 1 year milestone in your nursing journey, and especially now that both the CDC and WHO recommend nursing to 2 years and beyond, you believe that breastfeeding beyond one is not only okay, it can continue to help your child thrive.

Nicole A.
"Appreciate you making space for this topic and conversation as every family situation is different. My daughter is 2.5 and is still breastfeeding. We have successfully weaned overnight feeds (was no simple feat, but has significantly helped her sleeping!).
My breastfeeding goal was always to make it to one year, but her preferences and our situation have continued longer than I had anticipated - which is amazing... AND also present challenges."

Hi, I’m Erin Harris, a Virtual Lactation Educator and fellow Nursing Mama to my two children.
I combine my two Master's Degrees in Health and Family Communication, lactation knowledge, and personal nursing experience to focus on the parent-toddler nursing relationship. Through online courses and consults I help extended breastfeeding parents navigate on-demand demanding toddler nursing, setting breastfeeding boundaries so they can keep the bond without the burnout, the emotional cycle of the extended breastfeeding mom, and eventually, weaning with love.
Join me for a free 15 minute breastfeeding or weaning consult to see what resources are best suited to your unique nursing needs.
Schedule Your Consult Now
The Nursing Mamas Programs

The Basics of Breastfeeding Boundaries
Overwhelmed with a demanding toddler who always wants to nurse? You don't need to wean, you need breastfeeding boundaries.

The Extended Breastfeeding Academy
Struggling with big upsets when you say 'no' to the boob? Co-sleeping and not sure how to have other people help with bedtime? Wondering if their milk intake is impacting their food intake? The Academy covers this and more!

The Gentle Toddler Weaning Course
This course is designed for parents who are at the end stages of toddler nursing and ready to transition into the last weeks of nursing.
The goal? To keep the love when the milk goes away.
What Others Are Saying

"I feel like an exhausted snack bar"
Fear of failure, anxiety, peer pressure, stress, feeling tied down, wanting your body back, scared, confused, unsure, overwhelmed, defeated
When nursing isn't going smoothly it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders
Nursing Mamas is here to guide you to smoother ground BEFORE it even gets rocky.

"Feeding a whole human with my body! Badass!"
We believe that the decision to wean should be between you and your child - no one else!
Nursing Mamas is here to provide you with the information you need to make the right decision for you in your extended breastfeeding journey.
And remember, wherever your nursing journey has taken you, you Mama are amazing, and nursing is your super power.

Join Erin on Instagram!
View her educational posts, reels, and be sure to jump into her stories each week to help pick the breastfeeding topic to be discussed!
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*Nicole Streeter Photography