The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method
Keeping the Love When the Milk Goes Away
Online Course
- Do you regularly feel like you NEED to wean your toddler, but don’t actually know where to start?
- Do you feel guilty for taking away something your child loves so much?
- Do you often feel touched out but have a hard time knowing how to handle your child's big emotions without nursing?
- Do you feel like you are truly ready to wean, but you worry how you will parent once breastfeeding is over?

Gentle toddler weaning doesn't have to be hard...
You are struggling to cut nursing sessions without big upsets
You need to learn other ways to comfort your child beyond nursing and have tried not giving in to their demands but never getting anywhere...
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method is the proven system
that guarantees you can successfully wean your toddler off the breast by leveraging a framework that will help you create new ways of connecting with your child and allow you to not feel guilty for taking away something they love so much.
What if you could feel confident that weaning is actually the best thing for your family?
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method is the proven system for helping toddler nursing parents navigate the weaning process, where you'll learn important new parenting skills and have the patience to hold consistent limits that are right for you through the power of loving boundaries.
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method Online Course provides you with all the amazing content in the live seminar with the convenience of watching in your own time.
Say goodbye to...

Breastfeeding Burnout
Sharing your body with a small human for years can take its toll on a person. Learn how setting breastfeeding boundaries and holding limits is the first step in weaning.

Mom Guilt
It can be hard to feel like you're doing the right thing when your child is having a monster meltdown on the floor. Get encouragement and gain confidence in your weaning plan.

Not Knowing How to Parent Without It
Is breastfeeding your most powerful parenting tool? Is it your go-to for everything from sleep, tantrums, injuries, illness, and love? This program will teach you what to replace nursing with, so there isn't an empty void in your parenting toolbox.
You will achieve bodily freedom without losing your connection with your child
Find out how to set boundaries and handle the tantrums or tears in a loving way
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method gives you all you need for only $79!
FIND OUT MOREWhat you really need is...
- New parenting tools
- Help with sleep guidance
- Boundary setting tips
- Guidance for maintaining your physical comfort during the weaning process
- A strategy to handle big upsets
And guess what? ... you are in the right place!

You'll have me in your corner
What you will get with
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method Online Course

5 recorded lessons for you to watch or listen to on your own time.
Topics include:
- How to stay connected when the milk goes away
- Setting and holding breastfeeding boundaries
- Night weaning
- Dropping feeds
- All the feelings (yours and theirs)

Extra Resources
- A summary handout to print and keep in an easy to see place in your home
- A resource list with books to read your child about weaning and other useful resources
- Access to a private community where you can reach out anytime to connect with other weaning mamas
Mom to an 18 month old, Sara struggled with night nursing, but didn't want to give up co-sleeping.
"Very concrete concept and she “got it” on the first night. Immediately it was soothing to me to be able to feel like it wasn’t just her begging me for something and me withholding it. Waiting and wishing together as a team is easier and more pleasant than the latter which felt more like a power struggle. We both cheer when the light is on. Some days she says “Mommy look! Yay!”'

Say Goodbye to trying to do it on your own!
I promise that when you apply the Gentle Toddler Weaning Method, you will feel more connected to your child, have more confidence in taking the lead in the weaning process, and feel less guilt that you are harming your child in the weaning process.
For $79, the The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method gives you all the resources & support you need to...
- Start the weaning process using loving boundaries
- Make sleep manageable for you and them
- Learn new parenting skills using methods that keep connection with your child even when you say "no" to the boob

This is just what I need!
ENROLL NOW for $79 in the
Gentle Toddler Weaning Method Online Course

Hello there, I'm Erin Harris
Lactation Educator, Health Communication Expert, Wife, Mom of 2, & an Extended Nurser for 4 1/2 years
I've been where you are!
And that's why I know that there is a serious lack of support and resources for moms who find themselves nursing beyond one year -
and definitely for those of us nursing beyond 2 years.
Can I get an eye roll for every time someone said, "oh, just wean them." Ugh. If only it were that easy!
Heck, I was so unsure of how to parent my daughter without nursing as my superpower that I decided to tandem nurse when my second was born.
Ultimately, Avery and I had a beautiful ending to our nursing journey. That said, that doesn't mean it wasn't also bittersweet to have that part of our relationship come to an end.
We both shed tears, as grief is a very normal part of weaning, but we were in it together.
I am so thankful for the memories we now have and how breastfeeding has shaped our relationship, even years after.
And even though I no longer have that magic tool that gets the tears to stop flowing immediately, a Mama hug is always there when she needs it.
Today, my goal is to teach you everything you need to know to make toddler weaning a gentle process...
...while also setting you up with the tools you will need after your nursing journey is over.
Say Goodbye to struggling on your own!
Join our Nursing Mamas Community so that you can celebrate your achievements and know that you always have us in your corner to help you every step of the way.
Get resources that focus on toddler weaning so that you can understand how your nursing relationship will change (and stay the same) once your nursing journey comes to an end.
Learn how to handle those big toddler feelings so that you can stay calm through the storm without using the boob to soothe all the upset away.
Own your breastfeeding experience by learning how to create a weaning ceremony that can be a celebration of your nursing achievements and your beautiful, loving connection with your child.
If you're looking to have a smoother weaning journey with your toddler, you are in the right place!
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method
is for you if...
- Your child is not ready to wean, but you are
- You are burnt out by on-demand toddler nursing, but unsure how to stop
- You feel isolated and alone in your breastfeeding journey
- You struggle with night nursing and always being the one to put them to sleep
- You want an easy to follow, step-by-step, system so you can feel connected with your child and less burnt out on a daily basis
- You appreciate having a mentor to help you when you get stuck
The Gentle Toddler Weaning Method
is NOT for you if...
- You are looking for a way to wean without any upset from your child. This IS NOT a cry it out method; however, what we will discuss is how to transition from using nursing to stop your toddler's big upsets to helping them get THROUGH their feelings. It's okay if your toddler is upset at change. Change is hard! We will address how to manage YOUR big emotions about their big emotions so you can better sit with them as they learn to process upsets without the boob.
- You expect that changing your toddler nursing experience will be easy and you shouldn't have to put in time or effort.
- You expect to be able to wean in a very short amount of time. Gentle weaning is a process and the length of time depends on the age of your child and how many nursing sessions you currently have.
- Your child is less than a year old. The concepts taught here are not appropriate for infants.