The Extended Breastfeeding Academy
Approaching toddler nursing with loving boundaries & gentle weaning
- Do you regularly feel like you NEED to wean your toddler, but don’t actually want breastfeeding to end?
- Do you have a strong-willed toddler that dictates where, when, and how long a nursing session is?
- Do you often feel touched out and have a hard time setting breastfeeding boundaries with your toddler?
- Do you feel like you don’t know how you will parent once breastfeeding is over?

Approaching toddler nursing with loving boundaries doesn't have to be hard...
You are struggling to set breastfeeding limits without major upsets
You need to learn other ways to comfort your child beyond nursing and have tried not giving in to their demands but never getting anywhere...
The Extended Breastfeeding Academy is the proven system
that guarantees you can make your extended breastfeeding experience more manageable by leveraging a proven framework that will help you identify what is causing the burnout and allow you to create simple adjustments to your nursing routine so you can enjoy the time with your child once more.
What if you could enjoy every nursing session and feel confident that you would be happy to nurse as long as your child decided to... today… and every single day after that?
The Extended Breastfeeding Academy is the proven system for helping nursing parents navigate the hard transition from infancy to toddlerhood, where you'll learn important new parenting skills and have the patience to hold consistent limits that are right for you through the power of loving boundaries.
Say goodbye to...

Breastfeeding Burnout
Sharing your body with a small human for years can take its toll on a person. Learn what limits you need to set for yourself so you can have a more positive breastfeeding experience.

Lack of Social Support
Do you often hear, "they're still breastfeeding?" or "When are you going to be done?" or "I'm sorry, that's just wrong." The Academy will provide social support, as well as education on how to best respond to nay sayers.

Not Knowing How to Parent Without It
Is breastfeeding your most powerful parenting tool? Is it your go-to for everything from sleep, tantrums, injuries, illness, and love? The academy will teach you parenting skills that will continue to keep the bond without the burnout.
You will achieve bodily freedom without losing your connection with your child
Find out how to set boundaries without tantrums or tears
The Extended Breastfeeding Academy gives you all you need!
FIND OUT MOREWhat you really need is...
- New parenting tools
- Personal guidance (because each family has unique situations)
- Help with sleep guidance
- Education about toddler eating
- Tips on self-care
- Clear understanding on when you are ready to wean
And guess what? ... you are in the right place!

Forget about figuring this out on your own...
With the The Extended Breastfeeding Academy you don't just get online education
You will get weekly check ins with me, connection with other extended nursing moms just like you, and access to other parenting specialists, including for sleep and strong-willed parenting skills
Everything you need to feel confident you can continue to breastfeed your toddler as long as you both want
You'll have us in your corner
What you will get with
The Extended Breastfeeding Academy

10 recorded lessons for you to listen to on your time. Weekly topics include:
- Boundary setting
- Handling people who don't support your breastfeeding decisions
- Sleep
- 4 specific parenting tools to use instead of the boob
- Self-care
- Managing food while still nursing
- BONUS: Full access to my recorded Gentle Toddler Weaning Method Seminar for when you are ready to begin the transition to weaning!

Extra Resources
- Guest speakers who were themselves extended nursers and who specialize in toddler sleep, nutrition, and parenting skills
- Weekly Q&A check in sessions - you're never alone!
- Voxer support - have me in your back pocket for moments where you just need help NOW.

Mom of 2, Nata struggled with 24/7 demands to nurse, as well as her daughter's insistence to expose both breasts while nursing in public
“She’s really understanding now when we’re breastfeeding in public, and even at home, she will be breastfeeding on one boob and she will cover up my other breast with my clothes. It’s incredible actually how intelligent she is and how she’s understanding everything.”

After completing the Academy, Tania (mom of a 2 year old) said
“It has structure that you build on week by week. It's a perfect way to do it.”
Say Goodbye to trying to do it on your own!
I promise that within 10 weeks, your love of nursing will be reignited, you will know how to stop breastfeeding burnout in its tracks, and you will learn strategies to keep that special bond going strong.
The The Extended Breastfeeding Academy gives you all the resources & support you need to...
- Make nursing manageable again using loving boundaries
- Transition from on-demand/demanding breastfeeding to the "you provide, they decide" nursing strategy
- Learn how to incorporate self-care with simple strategies that are realistic in your hectic day
- Make sleep manageable using methods taught to you by an extended breastfeeding sleep specialist
- Learn new parenting skills using methods that keep connection with your child even when you say "no" to the boob

This is just what I need!
Extended Breastfeeding Academy
Only 12 spots left!
Register Here

Hello there, I'm Erin Harris
Lactation Educator, Health Communication Expert, Wife, Mom of 2, & an Extended Nurser for 4 1/2 years
I've been where you are!
And that's why I know that there is a serious lack of support and resources for moms who find themselves nursing beyond one year -
and definitely for those of us nursing beyond 2 years.
Heck, I was so unsure of how to parent my daughter without nursing as my superpower that I decided to tandem nurse when my son was born.
Today, my goal is to teach you everything you need to know to make toddler nursing manageable...
...while also setting you up with the tools you will need after your nursing journey is over.
Say Goodbye to struggling on your own!
Join our Nursing Mamas Community so that you can celebrate your achievements and know that you always have us in your corner to help you every step of the way.
Get resources that focus on toddler breastfeeding so that you can understand why your nursing relationship should change as your child gets older
(but doesn't have to go away completely if you or your child aren't ready).
Learn how to handle those big toddler feelings so that you can stay calm through the storm without using the boob to soothe all the upset away.
Own your breastfeeding experience by learning how to handle unsupportive family, friends, strangers on the street - who don't support your decision to continue nursing.
...there is something in this course just for you!
If you're looking to have a happier breastfeeding journey with your toddler, you are in the right place!
The Extended Breastfeeding Academy
is for you if...
- Your child is not ready to wean
- You are not ready to wean
- You are burnt out by on-demand toddler nursing
- You feel isolated and alone in your breastfeeding journey
- You have unsupportive people in your life who you are unsure how to handle
- You want an easy to follow, step-by-step, system with personalized care so you can feel connected with your child and less burnt out on a daily basis
- You appreciate having a mentor to help you when you get stuck
The Extended Breastfeeding Academy
is NOT for you if...
- You are ready to begin the weaning process
- You expect that changing your toddler nursing experience will be easy and you shouldn't have to put in time or effort
- You are content with your current nursing experience
- You don't believe your breastfeeding experience and mental health are worthy of financial investment
- You have quality support from other extended nursers in your life
- You are focused on the problems & not the solutions
- You buy lots of course but never finish or even start them

My promise to you
If you’re on the fence… Or if other trainings have left you skeptical… Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put The Extended Breastfeeding Academy into action and experience how you can look forward to your nursing time with your toddler again.
That’s why I’m offering my All Mamas Succeed Guarantee.
I’m SO confident that if you implement what you learn inside of The Extended Breastfeeding Academy you’ll get results.
You have nothing to lose...
If you actively participate and implement the tools of the program and don't see results within 30 days I will work with you one on one until you do!